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Startup Nation Execution, Advisory and Analysis

Colleagues at Work

Direct your Startup to the next step

​- Strategic Design Partner Research

- Preparation for S&M Quarterly Reports 

- Full Hands-On Management of all Marketing Funnels

- Product Market Fit Strategy Implementation

- Global Sales Dep. & Call-Center establishment & Internship leader a-z

- Marketing Automations& Integrations

​- Market Penetration & KPI Activation

- Sales & Marketing Road Map Execution

 -Investor Deck & Business Plan
- Business Development
- Usability validation for Prototype/ MVP / 
- Reaching S&M Annual/ quarterly goals 


Lost with your Prototype design partners?

I can build and execute with you a strategy & road map that can save you allot of time, budget and energy. All we need is to be more creative and open-minded.
Being sharp & open to network, we will get all the traction we need. 
Sometimes all we need is a little push from an expert with a dynamic fresh insights and ideas.

Team Meeting

Wishing to Penetrate the Market with your MVP?

That is the time for an Outsourced Sales & Marketing Director / Interim CMO, that will do everything for your startup in the fields of Sales & Marketing, which will cost you 4X less, and very efficient against HR tedious and annoying procedure. Scaling up needs to be precised.


To execute your desires, 
pick the best time for us this week

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State Of Heart LLC
1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200,
Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801

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