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Basic Go-To-Market Gift Post for Founders

1. Choose the right digital agency for your niche.

2. GTM Strategy - consult & feedback on where are the flaws and why they will not work. Renew it monthly.

3. Be aware - become a master of Google Analytics and Data Studio.

4. Frequently ask for all types of reports, and cheer your team for it.

5. A/B testing - sync Hotjar, and acknowledge your visitor's flow and interactions.

6. UI/UX Design - admit you don't know everything and come open for outsourcing projects.

7. Visitors on-site/app is not necessarily the most relevant/profitable KPI.

8. Get inside your visitor's shoes and ask yourself what will make the experience faster & more simple.

9. Data - a difference which companies raise or fall, make sure all tags are synced and embedded properly, for better indications & remarketing costs.

10. UTM Builder is a must...

11. Test the budget and emphasize creativity to obtain a minimum amount of Performance advertising.

12. Differentiation - know your "enemy", and do it better, with more clarity, and a sexier value proposition.

13. Added value - does our value being reflected within our data indications? is it really clear to our visitors? Just give it, and it will come back. Free subscription for X time, special assistance, extra features...

14. Test the SEO issues once in a while - "Screaming Frog", ask the tech team for help.

15. Talk to your clients, and get feedback, almost everything you want to check and scale can be done freely.

16. Easy with the marketing trigger! check with the financial advisor, and start small and slowly for tests.

17. Don't panic from the investors, they will appreciate better traction.


18. Build a strong foundation for your app/website/platform, before you run into exponential growth.

19. Marketing VS Sales - Do we really need all these sales & CSM teams? or we can automate them?

20. Marketing results sometimes can come in days as well.

21. Always listen to yourself, but consult and learn from the mistakes of others who did it before, successfully.

22. Work in an orderly manner - CRM is perfect for your demands, everything should be monitored.

23. Brainstorm - use the free-of-cost great minds around you, in every special sail along the way, it will give your team a meaningful feeling and will prevent your boat from rocking in stormy weather.

24 - Never give up! Specify your requests/ wishes, act towards them, and keep believing, and they will come true! Soon or later... good luck!

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