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We never know, until it's too late

CRO for StartUps

Everyone can do better, there is a long way until we reach perfection. Becoming better with our product, website or application is a must! 

I can analyze your current stage and after profound research we can receive enough data to create a brand new strategy, and I will execute it, or share the tasks along with all the departments.



  • ​​ Marketing Data Analysis ​


  •  Embedding the right KPI


  • ​360° Customer Journey Acquisition, Retention & Churn Optimization


  • Conversion Rate Optimization & UI-UX for web, mobile, and applications

  • Cognitive Insights

  • Customer Purchase Behavior

  • KPI Research and Tracking 

  • Boosts conversion rates

  • Data-driven decisions

  • Improves user experience

  • Increases marketing effectiveness

  • Targets relevant audience

  • Builds trust and credibility

  • Improves user retention

  • Reduces friction points

  • Identifies areas for improvement

  • Improves mobile responsiveness

  • Speeds up loading times

  • Reduces bounce rates

  • Enhances accessibility

  • Reduces user churn

  • Improves search engine rankings

  • Stays ahead of competition

  • Fixes technical issues

  • Understands user behavior

  • Saves money on redesigns

  • Improves customer satisfaction

  • Increases revenue and profit

  • Provides actionable insights

  • Facilitates A/B testing

  • Reduces customer acquisition costs

  • Improves website traffic

  • Increases brand awareness

  • Offers competitive advantage

  • Improves user engagement

  • Maximizes ROI

  • Optimizes the sales funnel

  • Reduces shopping cart abandonment

  • Provides a better UX

  • Improves product design

  • Increases customer lifetime value

  • Helps identify customer pain points

  • Improves checkout process

  • Helps personalize customer experience

  • Reduces customer complaints

  • Improves website navigation

  • Boosts customer loyalty

  • Provides insight into user preferences

  • Helps improve call-to-action effectiveness

  • Improves email marketing

  • Increases conversion rate for paid ads

  • Helps understand user intent

  • Helps identify new revenue streams

  • Helps optimize pricing strategy.


Life is full of surprises,
your startup can be amazed


  • For startups, CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) can be a crucial element of their growth strategy. CRO specialists help startups maximize the value of their existing traffic and user base by improving the conversion rates of key actions, such as signing up for a free trial, downloading an app, or sharing content on social media. By identifying and removing barriers to conversion, CRO can help startups achieve higher user engagement, retention, and revenue, even with limited marketing budgets.

  • To implement CRO, startups often rely on a lean and agile approach that emphasizes quick experiments, iterative feedback, and continuous improvement. CRO specialists use tools such as A/B testing, user surveys, heatmapping, and conversion funnels to test and refine hypotheses about user behavior and preferences. Startups may also leverage growth hacking tactics, such as referral programs, social proof, or scarcity tactics, to increase conversions.

  • The benefits of CRO for startups can be significant. By improving the conversion rates of key actions, startups can achieve higher user acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue metrics, which are critical for their survival and growth. CRO can also help startups identify product-market fit, user pain points, and opportunities for differentiation and innovation.

  • Some of the key skills and qualities that CRO specialists need to have for startups include:

  • Resourcefulness and creativity, as startups may have limited resources and need to find cost-effective solutions

  • Data-driven and hypothesis-driven mindset, as startups need to validate assumptions and prioritize actions based on impact and feasibility

  • Strong collaboration and communication skills, as startups often involve cross-functional teams and external partners

  • An entrepreneurial and growth-oriented mindset, as startups need to be agile and adaptable to changes in the market and user needs

  • A customer-centric and user-centric approach to problem-solving, as startups need to provide value and solve real-world problems for their customers.

  • Some of the challenges that CRO professionals may face for startups include:

  • Balancing short-term gains with long-term vision and values, as startups need to build trust and loyalty with their customers

  • Navigating uncertainty and ambiguity, as startups may pivot or change their strategies based on feedback and data

Dealing with limited data or resources, as startups may not have enough traffic or user feedback to conduct statistically significant experiments

  • Dealing with rapid growth or scaling, as startups may need to adapt their CRO processes and tools to accommodate larger volumes of traffic and users

  • Staying motivated and avoiding burnout, as CRO for startups can involve high pressure and uncertainty.

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