About | State of Heart
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Shalom shalom

I'm Tal, a pleasure to meet you!

10+ Years in Sales & Growth Marketing
$2B+ budget saved for companies
43 B2B/B2C/B2B2C Startups + Scaleups
+350 mistaken Businesses chose our services and counting

I will save you some time,  We do almost everything, as experts in Sales and Growth Marketing For Startups, Accelerators, Small-Middle Businesses, and Unicorns🦄

I manage and teach in a WhatsApp group of over 400
businesses and other marketing agencies who want to learn better about Google Ads from a-z.

I'm also co-working and being completed by amazing professional colleagues whom I love, respect, and trust, as a joint task force, so we can provide you 360° services. 

I am a sunset chaser, risking my life every day to become wealthy from my b2b2c Startup, so I can purchase lands in diversified hotspots - Forests (Our Oxygen& Water).

Assisting people's suffering to elevate inner greatness& and success, via Biodanza, sharing circles, personal sessions, workshops, and webinars.


in case you are looking for a witty, sharp, and experienced  partner to accelerate your Business / Startup
We are here


Just don't slow us down, and hold tight!


To execute your desires, 
pick the best time for us this week

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State Of Heart LLC
1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200,
Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801

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